Monday, November 26, 2012


This story tell about 2 person who live in contrast different background from economical aspect, lifestyle, job and etc.
Wahid as Actor he is poor man who live in the village with his poorness family, in other view he is kind-hearted, has good behavior, clever, and brave man. He has great eager in future for himself and his family, other that he never give up to face challenges in the world. On the other hand, the actress “ Aftin “ she is beautiful girl, come from rich family or offspring of noble and anything she want available there, but she has bad tempered, glamorous, bossy, arrogant, and egoist girl.
While the time passed they met in ridiculous time and from there appear of love and fall in love each other although actress pretend to admit her feeling. End of story the man can aware Aftin’s awareness to be kind girl and more admire the meaning of life. Meanwhile, Wahid get Great graduated, Scholarship and Teach directly in his University.

1st  Role:
At beautiful and sunny morning there is a family in Simple-House is lived by Five person who have different character , that time they are so busy in their activity.
**In other side in Susi’s family ( She wake aftin up from her sleep, aldi and vivi have sat in the terrace, susi and andri prepare to go to office and hurriedly aftin go to campus with her friends.
Back to wahid’s family he will carry serly out to her school.
Serly    : “Mam, Where my socks ?!! (dg keadaan tergesa dan kenakalnya serta kecetilanya)
Mother            : “What’s up serly.? I don’t know, maybe your sister have putted it in cupboard, please ask her”.
Serly    :” Sister, Do you know my socks ? I’ll go to school now!! (bertanya kpd Tati yang sedang mencuci piring, dan kemudian ia mencarikan kaus kaki serly)
Grand Mother : ( sedang bersantai dihalaman)Alimah!?, “ Pick up your brother in Field to carry up serly to school, hurry up ”! ?
Alimah            : ( Sedang menyapu halaman) “ Of course, Grandma, I Will”…(berangkat menjemput Wahid dari sawah).
Wahid             : “Serly, Hurry Up if you won’t come late.” (sambil menuntun sepeda).
Then they went to school by bicycle.
2nd Role
After wahid carry serly out from school he permit  to his mother and grandma because he will go to City to get job for make better their life currently.
Wahid                         : “ Mam, Grandma and all my beloved young sister, I has decided from long time ago for looking for a job in city, I wish all of you can give me permit and great pray after I get good job there.”
(terjadi kehiruk pikukan dan kesedihan dari semua angota keluarga)
Mother                        : “my son, I really miss you, I afraid if you leave us, but I can’t forbid you because you’re adult now, its up to you if you have certain planing, and  I always pray to God to give you safety and healthy”.
Wahid             : “Thank you very much mam, I’m glad hear that, Alimah , Tati and serly I beg please protect mother             and Grand ma”.(with sad expression)
Alimah            : “Brother and mam, I want get a job, earn money ,mam, please give me great permit to follow brother  to city ??? (expresi terharu, merengek).
Wahid                         : “Alimah, You’re so young to face the hardness of  world, are you serious to do it? (refuse calmly) But I permit you if mother give a permit for you, “
Mother                       : “ Wahid, I’m really believe in you, I can’t refuse your sister’s eager, But promise to me you’ll protect your sister well !?.”
Wahid : Certainly, mam, I’ll remember your words (advice)”.

3rd Role
After they permit to their parent they leave their family with sweep out of that condition  then with backpack on Wahid’s back and luggage on Alimah’s hand they leave by worn-out bicycle hurriedly toward bus-station. About 3 o’clock they arrived to bus station and move up to bus directly with-bustle.
**Transition role in neighbor's House
(they take a gossip and always talk about wahid’s family in one of neighbor's house which sweep their terrace and etc. the dialogue must be made by owner accord character person and condition)

4th Role
Finally About 7 o’clock of trip they arrive in Metro City , then They are confuse because nobody knows there. In Hungry and thirsty condition in the way they meet pregnant woman and help her to carry up to clinic , After that  they go to into the shop to buy some food and drink and get job from the shop owner. Unexpected, there are many girls have bought the drink too ( Aftin &dkk).
Wahid & Alimah        : “Sir,? I would like to buy some food and drink ?
Sarief                         : “yes, here you are. Come in !! choose by your self.” / Thanks sir…
Wahid                         : Sir,, do you need a new shopkeeper ?
Sarief                          : It’s right,,,Will you ?

After that Somebody  in rush against wahid and She(Anggun) sees wahid’s scores in his file and enter he into her campus.
Aftin & dkk                 : “ Hey, Shopkeeper, did you available my favorite drink.?” / oh my god,,(ungkapan teman2 aftin). Unfortunately, suddenly some wrong happen there,  Wahid’s drink  spilled Aftin’s gown.
Aftin                            :” Oh My god,!! Impudent you are!! ( dg marah2)….
Aftin’s friends             : “A shame of you are !! Aftin Don’t let he stand off,,(mempengaruhi aftin)
Wahid                                     : “I’m so sorry ladies, I don’t intentionally do it..!!”

And about half hour Suddenly the Bunga’s phone rang and Mrs.Bunga offer Alimah a job to be servant in Mrs.Susi and she accepts it…
5th Role
In sunny morning as first day Alimah visits Mrs. Susi’s house..Suddenly aftin and her friends come from campus and ask Alimah angrily..
Alimah                         : “ ashtaghfirulloh, it is very large and beautiful house have I seen”(dg terheran2).Assalamualaikum madam,???(knock the door)
In that time aftin and her friends come from campus…..
Shara                          :” Aftin, look over there,,??(dg terkejut) Who she is..
Anisa F                        : “hahaha… His Style is very KANSUPAI…!!!
Siti And Tika               :” Guys, Don’t judge like that,,(menghampiri anisa)..hi, May I know Who are you ?
Alimah                        : “ oh, I’m Alimah, nice to meet you,,What’s you name ?(introduce each other)
Aftin                            :” Hey, What are you doing here ?!! I know you’ll steal in my house right,,!! Admit..!!!1(sambil mendoong2Alimah)
Suddenly Mrs. Susi and Tika come out from their car…….
Mrs Susi                                  : “ What’s happen my honey…?
Tika                                         : anti,,I think something happen here, anti who is she?,,,hey you yellow veil what are you doing here ?
 In this condition tika and aftin Dislike with alimah’s arrival…..

7th Role
On the morning Wahid go to campus for first time, He fell very happy and with great spirit appear in his face.
Miss wiwit       : “Morning class, Today we have new student “.
Students          :” morning mam……(quite noisy)”
Miss Anggun   :” good morning I will inform to you that now you’ll have new friend,,,wahid please introduce your self and we’ll continue to teach in other class miss wiwit excuse me and see you all.”.
And then wahid introduce him self and suddenly aftin and friends angry and blame wahid…

Next day when Aftin and friends go home from campus on the way somebody almost smash with motorcycle and hurriedly wahid help her and finally he get wound, from that accident aftin care of wahid and fall in love with his .

End of story
3 years passed away wahid get unexpected information from campus that he get great graduated, get Scholarship again and The Chairman of English department give mandate to teach in kampus.
Hear that information He on morning decide to go home and give it to his mam in village.
Meanwhile, Aftin fell loose of wahid ..she look for address and go to wahid village,,there they make a Holy promise each other. And They be a suitable couple in campus even after that….

Aftin      : ( actress utama)
Shara     : Aftin’s friend
Anisa f  : Aftin’s friend
Siti Q      : Aftin’s friend
Tika T     : Aftin’s friend
Susi        : Aftin’s mother
Andry    : susi’s husband
Aldi        : aftin’grandpa
Vivi         : aftin’grandma
Tiara      : pregnant woman
Rini         : mad girl
Tika O    : Susi’s nephew

Wahid   : Aktor Utama
Adenita                : Wahid’s mother
Tiwi        : Wahid’sgrandma
Tati h     : Wahid’s sister
Anisa U : Wahid’s sister
Serly      : Wahid’s sister
Sarif       :shop owner
 Bunga  : shop owner
Sury       : shop owner
Neighbors actress:
SAnti     :neighbor
Erica       : neighbor
Yuni       : neighbor
Aditya   : neighbor
Zian        : neighbor

Wiwit    :lecture
Anggun                : lecture
1.       Rumah Wahid & Rumah Aftin
2.       Sepeda
3.       Sayur-sayuran
4.       Arit&cangkul, Capil
5.       Motor
Busana :
Accord the character

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